Are you wanting to connect and serve the Lord in exciting and impactful ways? There are many opportunities to serve at Christpoint Church, and we would be honored to have you join one of our SERVE teams.
There is no small job, and no small opportunities. From leading in worship, to working with our children and youth, to helping serve coffee on Sunday mornings, to greeting all who come with a warm, welcoming smile: each serve team position is important and makes an impact for the Kingdom!
Hospitality Team
Greeting Team
Usher Team
Safety Team
Emergency Response Team
KidsPoint Team
Student Team
C.A.R.E.S. Team
Events Team
Point Forward Team
Connection Point Team
Worship Team
Production Team
Creative Arts Team
PassionPoint Drama Team
Practical Love Team/Mobile Food Mission
Experiences Team
What’s my first step?
We would love to get you connected in our Point Forward classes prior to serving.
Point Forward is a monthly class that tells you who we are as a church community, what we believe, what opportunities to serve and what that looks like, as well as helping you to discover your own spiritual gifts and where you might fit inside of serving community. Register for Point Forward at our Events page!
We are Real People, Living Real Lives, and we love to Serve our Real God!